If your hood has been damaged either by accident or maliciously, the last thing you need is to have to get quotes, call suppliers, wait for answers to sanction your claim etc.  This all takes time, you just want to get back on the road, so leave it to us!

You will need to....
1. Notify your Insurance Company and obtain a claim form.
     2. Return the completed form to them and get the claim number.
          3. Call Us, we will fit your hood when the insurer sanctions the claim
And that's it!

To proceed, we will need.....
1. The name of your insurance company.
     2. Your policy number.

         3. You vehicles details.
               4. Your claim reference number.

Give us these details and leave the rest to us. We will contact your insurance company and advise them that you have asked us to quote for a replacement hood. We will e-mail the quote to them immediately and we usually get the hood replacement cost sanctioned the same day, that way we can order the parts and get your hood fiited a lot quicker.

The benefits of this proceedure are......
1. No waiting for payment from your insurance com pany, they pay us directly.
2. You do nothing except send in the claim form and call us with the above details.
          3. You pay no fitting deposit and there's no waiting to be paid by your insurers.
               4. Once sanctioned, your hood fit will be priority booked and fitted quickly.



Insurance - Let us help to speed things up!